Römisch-Germanisches Zentral Museum - Mainz (DE) - Lusatian Culture |
Museum S. Maffei - Verona (Veneto IT) - Venetic Stele (Inv. n. 609) |
Museum S. Maffei - Verona (Veneto IT) - Venetic Stele (Inv. n. 608) |
Museum S. Maffei - Verona (Veneto IT) - Venetic inscripted Stele (Inv. n. 610) |
Museo Nazionale Atestino (Este - PD - IT) - Tavola da Este |
line 1: [] where the offeror is judged [] let be protected []
line 2: [] the offeror has striven that in all his preyer shall be seen also God,
God be reliable in that the offeror remain unharmed, that he not (end up) in drowning []
line 3: [] her being and his the wave await their clutching grasp; may the bow remain
undrawn much as pointed straight - arrow remain the soul's raft
line 4: [] because there to give them [] in this that he no sooner withered out that []
and sleeping seen it that he []
line 5: [] to say rather that [] the prayer shall then not be also false []
- A. Ambrozich, G. Tomezzoli
Narodni Museum -Ljubljana (Slovenia) - Venetic Situla of Vaçe |
Musée Archéologique - Vannes (Brittany FR) - Venetic Coins |
Plumergat - Brittany (FR) - Venetic Inscripted Stele |
Translations 1) Vabros a dressé (ceci) aux Pères de la borne (ou du
pays) pour Giapos fils de Durnos - Bernier G. (1970) 2) ... bestowed [this] stone as hand carvings memorializing the fathers
- Davies W. et al. (1999) 3) See to it, oh, God, That fire return the body Of him who is laid into the Grassy ground !
- Ambrozic A. (21/11/2000) 4) Let flee towards, towards turn (?), also carry towards the heavens, into the eternity into
the free. - A. Pääbo (24/04/2004)